When we think about making an investment to install solar panels in our home in Mallorca, one of the questions that must be answered is: When will this investment be amortized? To answer this question, it is necessary to know the details of the specific case (public aid that can be received, the size and power of the installation, the use that will be given to the installation, the place where it is installed ...). However, there are a series of criteria that can be applied in a generalized way and that are useful for those who are thinking of installing solar panels in Mallorca.
The Balearic Islands is one of the Spanish regions with the most hours of sunlight throughout the year. Specifically, the archipelago has between 2,600 and 2,800 hours of sunlight per year (equivalent to 300 days of sunshine). Closely related to these annual hours of sunshine, the precipitation rate on the islands is remarkably low (between 350mm and 650mm, decreasing the frequency of rains in the summer months). Furthermore, the level of Balearic solar radiation is between 1800 and 1900 Kwh/m2; a considerably high value.

These hours of daylight, the favorable weather conditions and the high radiation allow the solar panels installed in Mallorca to work with good efficiency and generate amounts of energy greater than those in many Spanish regions. In addition to all these advantages of installing solar panels in Mallorca, it is necessary to comment that there are public subsidies and aid from local governments (ayuntamientos) and regional government (Govern de les Illes Balears) to encourage their installation.
These grants and aid are classified into 4 large blocks: bonuses in the IBI (properties tax), bonuses in the ICIO (tax on constructions, installations and works), aid from the regional government (translated into public calls that are published annually) and reductions in IRPF (personal income tax).
Are you thinking of installing solar panels in your house? Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information.
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